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Light Bulb Ornaments
Create 11 wonderful ornaments made using different size and shape light bulbs. Then embellish them with crochet using different size threads. Size: Ornament No. 1: 4" long not including hanging loop. Ornament No. 2: 2 3/4" long not including hanging loop. Ornament No. 3: 5 1/2" long not including hanging loop. Ornament No. 4: 4 1/4" long not including hanging loop. Ornament No. 5: 2 1/4" long not including hanging loop. Ornament No. 6: 2 3/4" long not including hanging loop or bells. Ornament No. 7: 4" long not including hanging loop. Ornament No. 8: 4" long not including hanging loop or Tassel. Ornament No. 9: 6" long. Ornament No. 10: 4 1/2" excluding hanger. Ornament No. 11: 6" long.

Skill Level: Intermediate
Designed by
Kim Harmon

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